Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Great Bottomless Clips


Aquista su e-bay

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Low Loss Header Explained

the project-first edition-

This is the first series of plush facts customize Crack 2010 during the Festival of Love & Hate Comic Standing held in Rome in June 2010 at the Fort Prenestino 17-18-19-20.
Here the complete list of the artists involved.
This is the first series of plush created for customizing Crack During 2010 Love & Hate the Festival of the Independent Comic That Took Place 17-18-19-20 june 2010 at the Fort Prenestino in Rome.
Here the complete list of artists partecipating.

Together plush ... in progress

Maya plush

Mp5 His plush looking

Gnote Guedin And His plush

Yoko GaGa and His plush

Komikaze Creatures

Saturday, June 26, 2010

New Born Baby Sms Message To Sent

599 - Marco "About" Bevis

Despite drawing from an early age, only to the 2003/2004 decides to leave his room, exposing paintings on wood in various places, social centers and small gallery in Rome.

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Post-meningitis Symptoms Sore Joints


2501 non è un entità fisica.
2501 è lo spirito nel guscio.
2501 interpreta l'ambiente circostante.
2501 si trasforma nel tempo senza limiti stilistici o di media.
2501 si nutre dell'ambiente circostante proponendo nuove e sommerse chiavi di lettura.
2501 sà che per vedere l'alba non c è altra strada che la notte.
2501 non può seguire nessun percorso pretracciato .
2501 is'nt a physical entity.
2501 it's the ghost in the shell.
2501 interprets the surrounding enviornment.
2501 transforms Itself into time without limits of style or media.
2501 nurtures Itself with the surrounding deep and enviornment proposing new ways of interpretation.
2501 to see the dawn knows That there is no other road But the night.
2501 can not follow the paved roads Already.

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Zoofilia In Streaming

597 - The Pistrice

Born in Rome in 1979. He paints with passion and always love to experiment with different styles and techniques. Selected in several international competitions in drawing, has published five books for children and participated in group shows of art and illustration
currently works as a freelance in Paris and Rome. / ilpistrice

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Otc Medicines In India

596 - Loka Kanarp / Karl Johnsson

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Loka Kanarp disegnattrice and illustrator was born 1983. His latest book published last fall, entitled Pearls and cartridges - and is the collection of 60 historical portraits of women (Colic Publishers). The comics are published Loka, inter alia, by ETC, Ordfront Magazine, Göteborgs Posten, Borås Tidning, Bang Galago. Il suo primo album è uscito nel 2006 ed è intitolato ai suoi amici e nemici (Carthage Publishers). Loka vive a sud di Stoccolma.
Loka Kanarp she is a cartoonist and illustrator. Her last book came last fall and called Pearls and cartridges - 60 historical female portrait (Colic Publishers). Loka comics have been published, inter alia, the ETC, Ordfront Magazine, Göteborgs Posten, Borås Tidning, Bang Galago. Her first album came out in 2006 and he is called to my friends and foes (Carthage Publishers). She lives in the south of Stockholm and she was born 1983rd.   

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Karl Johnsson was born in 1980 in Stockholm, where he still lives today. He studied at the Key School (art school), at Gävle University and the KwaZulu-Natal University. He works as storyborder, illustrator and drawing comic books. Mara from Ulthar is his first book.
Karl Johnsson Was Born in 1980 and he lives in Stockholm. He studies at the Key School's (crafts) at Gävle University College (picture series and tells the program) and at University of KwaZulu-Natal (Fine Arts). He works as a comic artist, storyboard artist and illustrator. Mara from Ulthar Is His debut in book form.

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Sharking On Sleeping Women

595 - Alberto Corradi

Autore di fumetti, illustratore, scrittore, vignettista, grafico

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Buy Computer Pay Monthly

594 - Marcus Nyblom

Marcus send me this picture saying that it will be delivered in September... maybe. "It is being tortured now..."

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Why Men Wear Womens Panties

593 - 592 Mp5

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How Bake A Cake In Kenstar Oven

- YoKoGaGa / Pakito Bolino

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Men Brazilian Wax Vancouver

591 - Meme [Zabratta Studio]

graphic designer and illustrator is one of the two components of Zabratta Studio.
Illustrator and graphic designer is one of the two members of Zabratta Studio. / photos / zabrattastudio

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Where Do You Buy Slightly Acidic Soil

590 - Gaia Weise

Student School of the Museum Art in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. In Italy for a project on social centers.
Student at the Museum School of Art in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. In Italy to do a project about social centers.

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Blood In Stools One Or Two Days

589 - Brother Guedin / Pakito Bolino

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Artista, disegnatore, da anni fa parte del gruppo Dernier Cri, abita a Nantes.
Artista, disegnatore, creatore di pets, serigrafo, anche lui esponente del gruppo Dernier Cri, lui vive a Parigi.

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Home Made Food For Red Eared Turtle

588 - Meme [Zabratta Studio]

Grafico e illustratore è uno dei due componenti del Zabratta Studio.
Illustrator and graphic designer is one of the two members of Zabratta Studio.

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Kate's Playground Full Galleries

587 - Thomas Garavini

Born in Rome in 1972 with a pencil in his hand and began immediately to draw. Then he left and went on to draw. After a bit 'of years back, and of course continued to draw. Still drawing today, but also paints, and in his spare time he began to make the craftsman.

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Best Camera Travel Bag

586 - Valerio Bindi

Thanks to him, there is a crack at the Fort, all of its followers
architect, illustrator, animator and cartoonist, is in the group since 1990 SCIATTO produzie / sciattoproduzie . With the Fort Prenestino work in organizing the festival of Rome Crack! now in its sixth edition and editions Fortepressa. An interview with Valerio

on Crack: festival of comics disruptive 1984 born in Gabon, drawing from high school ... My influences are very mixed, since I remember I was influenced by artists from different countries, working as a freelance illustrator, and am preparing a book for goddess Venus. I like to illustrate the poem, poetic universes, playing with the errors, to see how an idea can reach another ... and this invites the heart to flow more easily ...
Mihindou My name is Maya, but the child of 1984 born in Gabon, I draw since high school ..
My Influences are very melted, and as I remember as I always do Have Been influenced by artists from different country, I m working as a freelance illustrator, and book Preparing for a goddess Venus. I like to set out poetry, poetic universe, playing with Mistakes, observe how one idea can reach another one .. this invites the heart to flow Easier ... Back to menu -