Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Big Toe Swollen For No Reason

Delete advertisements on the websites: Adblock Plus

Today I want to report a convenient and efficient method to eliminate the ads that appear on many websites, best known for the simple blog.
To remove the advertisements is sufficient to navigate with Firefox and install a simple add-on called Adblock Plus
The procedure is very simple:
  1. go to this site.
  2. press "Add to Firefox".
  3. confirmed its willingness to install the add-on.
  4. after installing Firefox will ask you to be restarted. do it.
  5. restart will open a page where you will be asked if you want to subscribe to lists of ad servers. Whenever the site you are browsing will seek to withdraw from those serving the banner, the banner will hang himself.
  6. select all the lists and click "subscribe."
  7. Finished!
If we now try to open a web page the ads should be gone. I tested it with many sites and works great! If you want to access the options of the component, in the Tools menu and find "Settings Adblock Plus."
You can deactivate and reactivate all the component with the "ABP" which will appear at the top right inside Firefox!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Groping In Trains India

Explore + +: an excellent free alternative to Windows explorer resources

I got to try the software Explorer++ .
Questo programma è completamente gratuito, non necessita di installazione ed è completamente portatile. Explorer++ si presenta con una veste grafica molto simile al nativo esplora risorse di Windows, ma ha alcune caratteristiche molto interessanti, tra le quali:
  • Possibilità di navigare nelle varie cartelle attraverso tabs (le famose "linguette" che caratterizzano i nuovi browser). Veramente utile!
  • Drag&Drop tra i vari tabs e le altri applicazioni windows
  • Possibilità di dividere e riunire (split&merge) i file (per esempio queli di grosse dimensioni)
  • Create Shortcut
  • Preview of the selected images
  • Ability to select files by type or by wildcard (for example, select all files in a folder type foo *.*)
  • customizable GUI
  • Quick access to various features of Windows as a command or control panel
  • ability to view the contents of the folder divided into groups, such as size, creation date, file type and so 'on.
If you want to try simply download it from the creator at this address . The only flaw la mancanza della lingua italiana (work in progress).

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Partition Magic Errore 2103

Vista: Improve the speed of network connection and copy / transfer files

Oggi vi voglio segnalare un paio di trucchetti che permettono in alcuni casi di risolvere in Vista problemi di eccessiva lentezza sia nel trasferimento e copia dei file che eccessiva lentezza nella navigazione Internet e nella vostra rete.

Questi trucchetti sono abbastanza famosi, ma visto che ho notato nel mio caso notevoli miglioramenti ve li voglio segnalare. Tutte cose molto facili da applicare e comunque facilmente reversibili.

Per quanto riguarda la copia/trasferimento file all'interno del vostro computer, vi consiglio di disabilitare la "Compressione Differenziale Remota" (RDC).

This service is expected to reduce the bandwidth used during synchronization of various resources, but in some cases slows the copy / transfer.

To Disable Remote Differential Compression is necessary to:
  1. Go to "Control Panel"
  2. From here, go to: "Programs and Features"
  3. Then, at the top left: " Enable or Disable Windows features "
  4. Uncheck "Remote Differential Compression "
  5. Confirm "OK"
  6. Restart the computer
As for the speed of data transfer via the Internet, I suggest you try disabling the "Receive Window Auto- Tuning "TCP / IP.

To disable auto-tuning you must go to promtp command with administrator privileges. The quickest way is as follows:

From " Start", click on " Run", type "cmd" (without quotation marks) and press Ctrl + Shift + Enter

In questo modo si dovrebbe aprire la finestra con il prompt dei comandi...

Da questa digitare (senza virgolette):

"netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled"

e premere Invio. A questo punto riavviare il computer .

Per riattivare l'Autotuning, stessa procedura, ma digitare al prompt:

"netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=normal"

Spero di esservi stato utile, fatemi sapere!